Do you see repeating number sequences several times during the day? They are angel numbers and you can see them everywhere. 1:31 on your watch, $131 payment for shopping, duration of your phone call, licence plate on the car and so on.

Possibilities to see angel numbers in your life are endless. If you keep your eyes open, you will notice them. They repeat daily, sometimes you can see the same number even for weeks! It can mean a lot and you can use these messages for your advantage. On this page you will find true meaning to each one of them. Continue Reading…

“I am living in joy.”

In our lives, we often forget to take a moment to appreciate the positive aspects of life. It’s easy to get caught up in our daily routines and tasks, losing sight of life’s beauty and the potential within each of us.

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Have you ever wondered if there’s a secret language between you and the universe? A way for you to receive guidance, comfort, and reassurance from the celestial realm? Look no further, because angel cards are the key to unlocking this divine communication, paving the way for you to fulfill your dreams with the help of the angels.

Angel cards are a powerful tool for connecting with heavenly beings, who are eager to assist you in achieving your life’s purpose.

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Telling Real Angels from Your Imagination

Have you ever wondered how to know if an angel is really speaking to you or if it’s just your imagination? Many people – including lots of kids – report talking to angels. But how can you tell what’s real guidance and what’s just imaginary? Continue Reading…

Getting Angelic Help for Your Relationships

Romantic and personal relationships can be challenging. When people close to us act in hurtful ways, it’s easy to get pulled into negative feelings. During these times, we can ask angels to guide us with compassionate wisdom. Angels give practical and effective help to heal relationships. Their guidance goes further than regular therapy. Continue Reading…

How to Ask Angels for Help

God gave each of us free will. This means we can make our own choices and act based on our personal beliefs. God and the angels will not interfere with our free will. They know what we need but can’t help unless we ask them to. Continue Reading…

Archangels: Managers Overseeing Our Guardian Angels

Archangels are angelic beings with important responsibilities. They oversee guardian angels and help connect heaven and Earth.

The Bible specifically names two archangels: Michael and Gabriel. Other Jewish texts name up to 15 archangels. All their names and responsibilities are listed here. Continue Reading…

Why Angel Numbers Matter to You

Have you ever noticed certain numbers repeatedly appearing in your life, like glancing at the clock at 11:11 or getting a receipt for $22.22? These are not mere coincidences; they are what many call “Angel Numbers.” But why should you care? Well, these numbers might be carrying secret messages meant just for you. Continue Reading…

Why Are Angels Scared of Dogs?

Many people wonder why angels, powerful heavenly beings, would be scared of dogs, common household pets. This question has intrigued philosophers and theologians for centuries. After extensive research into angelology, cynology, and mythology, I have discovered some compelling theories that may explain this peculiar phenomenon. Continue Reading…

Guardian Angel and the Karmic Bucket

Have you ever thought about how your actions shape your life? Imagine your guardian angel holding a “Karmic Bucket”. This bucket gets filled with all the good and bad things you do. Now, let’s dive into this fascinating concept! Continue Reading…

Opening Your Third Eye Guide

Many people believe we have an energy center between our eyes called the third eye. This chakra, or energy wheel, controls our ability to foresee. Opening this third eye can help us peer into the spirit world. Continue Reading…