Angel Number 252

Keep your faith strong during this huge life change you are going through. Be willing to get rid of old habits and obsolete thinking patterns. Let go of the old so the new and fresh can step in. Angels are guiding you, listen to your inner feelings and everything will be fine.

  1. Angel Numbers avatar
    ALTHEA RENEE CHARLES August 27, 2013 at 9:26 am

    Thank you so much for this information and guidance.. For this has surely and truly saved and changed my life.

  2. Angel Numbers avatar

    For the past couple of months my mom has been struggling with health issues. Her energy levels have dropped drastically, she is experiencing shortness of breath and has had unanswered questions regarding her health. One night 2 weeks ago she woke herself up talking. She saw 2 red haired angels in her dream who said ” your answer lies under angel number 252!” Never hearing of angel numbers, she looked this up. Doctors are narrowing down her illness at the moment and this has brought so much hope to her! Staying positive!

  3. Angel Numbers avatar

    i had a dream that my friend that passed away 3 years ago came to me and asked me for water. SHE SAID IN THE REAM THAT SHE WAS THIRSTY AND SHE GET’S THIRSTY IN THE AFTERLIFE. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??

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