Angel Number 5

Your life or something in it is taking a turn for the better. Number five represents change.

  1. Angel Numbers avatar

    This is more a question than a comment. A lot lately I’ve been seeing 10:10, 3:33 and 4:44 almost daily for a few months now. I’ve been laid off from my job for about 7 months now and stressed beyond belief trying to try and stay afloat. I’ve also been alone for close to 5 yrs and really have been praying for the love of my life to be brought to me in some way. To make a long story short I’ve met this man a year ago and we chatted a bit and it didn’t progress at that time. Then out of the blue I run into him about 3 months ago and we began chatting again. He works out of town a lot so its been very difficult getting together. Then out of the blue again he text me the other night and came over for awhile. That same day I saw the numbers 5:55 TWICE…once in my car(by the way is not set to the right time) then on the clocks in my house. I’m just soooo curious if this has any meaning to me and my life or I’m just hoping that it does. Sorry for the lengthy msg and thanks for ur time…much thanks! xxx

    • Angel Numbers avatar

      Mary, i was seeing numbers 3 1 3 all the time for months now. I was a bit uneasy and confused about it so i prayed for some detailed explanation if these signs do really mean anything. Then some really weird dreams started. The dreams were like lessons, so simple and message to me was so easy to understand… i got it and acted like the dream advised. Last month things finally came together, everything started to get better. Numbers suddenly changed to 77. Today it was 555 few times, everything is looking great and i am so grateful for it! I spent huge amount of time trying to analyze all the things that happened to me lately and realized something. Now i do believe that accidents don’t exist and everything, even seemingly the most unimportant event, has its specific meaning. All the things i cared about too much have been taken away from me. I thought about myself as an essential part in company. I thought they couldn’t even exist without me, i stressed myself every time i couldn’t get there for whatever reason. I cared too much about my car and… well… it got crashed in an accident (on my way to work, of course). I jumped on train just to get there on time and guess what happened – i got laid off! How i could have been so blind, all the events were telling me to cool off my stressful thinking of going to work and save them all by my presence. And i ignored all of it. To my surprise, everything in company worked just fine without me. First it made me angry, but now i finally understand what i had to learn. Now when i am not so self-centered as before i even got better job than the old one. Finally money started to arrive so i bought cheap car just to drive myself around and so far it’s working great. For me seeing 555 is a blessing. I wish it’s the same for you :) Good luck and take care

  2. Angel Numbers avatar

    The fact that you wrote a reply at 5:55 is just glorious. Blessings!

  3. Angel Numbers avatar

    And 2:22 is even betters this is actually 5:55 pacific standard u.s.

  4. Angel Numbers avatar
  5. Angel Numbers avatar

    Hi The other day I saw 5566 . And just know 55555…. Will you help,they were around or I was thinking about my SZ mentally ill 32 year old that just started drinking again … I am trying not to give up on him,by telling the Angels he is in your hands!!! That’s when the 555055 to be exact …Thanks

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