Angel Number 312

It’s time for you to let go of any fears and concerns regarding your future. Anything you put your mind into, will manifest sooner or later. Concentrate only on the things you really desire, things that make you smile.

  1. Angel Numbers avatar

    I need some kind of help I’m feeling lost and self destructive… I don’t know reality

  2. Angel Numbers avatar

    Hey Ashe, whenever feeling lost or destructive the first step is to stop. Stop whatever you are doing right now because depressive feelings means you are doing something wrong. Is there anything that makes you happy and calm? :)

    • Angel Numbers avatar

      Hello Patrik

      Well you’re right. But the thing is I don’t know if I’m really doing something wrong or doing anything at all. It about both my past and my future. Also my spirituality. I feel complete. No reason to live yet do not want to run away from my responsibilities. I don’t know reality anymore. Like I see life as a stupid work – eat – sleep circle and it feels like an illusion. I lost love for everything. money food happiness or anything doesn’t seem like life. I question my future like what now? I took on a responsibility to look after someone with epilepsy. It been a real challenge. But now if feels I’m lost. Doing everything for others and taking blames. But I’m tired of everything, I want something for me now. Not me on earth as nothing fits this thirst but something to feed my spirit. I feel hungry spiritually something missing.
      Idk if something is playing with my head and if there is it is taking me away. The only thing that feels right is leaving this life in fact I ordered some chemical but I haven’t paid and the reason is uncertainity. Not knowing why or if I should and not wanting to run away from my responsibilities yet I know once it done there is no coming back and do not want this of anyone but for me it feels like a need for rest and/ new adventure…
      It is totally stupid and I would not want it for anyone and I know the damage that would be left behind but they also not helping but pushing me away from that little hope that maybe if I wait a little there might be something that may bring me back to reality. I’m lost and ja I can’t afford a psychologist nor do I think they would be able to help or listen to what the cause is than jumping to mental illness nor would I blame them as I know this is wrong. But it also feels right. I think ive been good for so long and as a result face all blames. I have more rivals than a bad person and always misunderstood or understood but tortured on purpose. I’m powerless at the end. This life feels like an illusion and I feel ready to escape it. But it feels wrong earthly yet right spiritually. The stress is too much I feel weak physically. The feeling of guilt comes from thing about what will happen with my little brother when I’m gone and I can’t escape the feeling cause even if it isnt now, one day I will be gone. Otherwise if it wasnt him there would be no feeling of guilt or concern. Id be fully happy with this thirst. It feels unchangeable and too strong to ignore… I know ill fail to ignore.

      • Angel Numbers avatar

        so I need spiritual answers to why do I feel like this and am I suddenly evil by leaving my baby bro helpless? I keep seeing numbers with 5 eg 546 456 654 453 etc that speak about change. I feel Ive completed my life purpose and no need for life but fear such change for my brother.

        • Angel Numbers avatar

          I think I found a temporal answer. Even though it isnt solid enough I feel it can hold me off. I want to reach 21/12/2017. :-)

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